Thursday, August 21, 2008


Mind you. The incident below didn't happen today. I am only jotting it down today due to certain reasons.

I am that kinda girl that opposed to squeezing zits. I will just apply pimple gel on my zits and hope that it will miraculously disappear the next day. Of course, this never happen. And lately, i have been getting lots of blackheads mainly due to STRESS.

There's this rather obvious blackhead which has been staying on my nose for months but i do nothing about it. I am hoping that it will disappear by itself. But it doesn't.

There's this very close friend of mine-Jasmine who will squeeze every zits of hers. And surprisingly, it leave her no mark.

There was this day, i went to look for Jazz and even before i spoke to her, she muttered something and dragged me to the toilet. Only then i know, she wanted to do a me big favour which is squeezing my blackheads.

I protested but she didn't care. She pulled me into the cubicle and started her "great" work. After all the yelling (me) and scolding (jazz). She happily released me when she managed to squeeze two out. She was rather annoyed because she was unable to squeeze the most obvious one.

After i went back to class, I was talking to Manda and Nette when she suddenly popped in and started telling them her "great" work. Soon, they were all discussing about my zits right in front of the other classmates. they were excited. Haha. they sounded superficial at this point but really they are the most down- to-earth people i have ever met.

Well, i definitely felt embarrassed at that time yet loved at the same time. How many friends of yours will actually take the effort to squeeze your B.Heads? (Mind you, it was not a pretty sight and easy job.) She did. She doesn't want any of my BH to leave permanently on my face. sweet does that sound...